Sabtu, 15 September 2012

St0p sEarchIng f0r a PrIncE!

If I can find y0u...I feel happy...
but it hard t0 me...
I feel that I f0und y0u!
but it just 0nly my telepathy...
0nly that man!
 like t0 kn0w h0w to calm me...
 like a mature man with his thinker..
 like never give up!
but that man...I need t0 see his transf0rm!
can y0u d0 that???
but d0 it n0t because 0f me...please...because 0f ALLAH!

I d0n't kn0w why that man like that???
but I h0pe that man is like my telepathy...
let leave it as my secret!
because I d0n't want t0 kn0w that real answer!

let that man and me just a friend...
I still remember his advice t0 me...

I d0n't want t0 think 0f this!
n0w! I 0nly want to put my trUst t0 ALLAH!
s0, st0p searching f0r a PrIncE!
I'm tired 0f this!

~ 0ur heart is h0ld by ALLAH...ALLAH is the best Planner!!!

 I want t0 be a 'g00d' in n0vel VERSUS by HLOVATE...
I kn0w it 'hard' t0 change!!! but if n0t try...f0rever...I'll like this!!!
Everyb0dy passes numer0us paths al0ng the r0ad 0f life. There's always a dilemma when it's c0me t0 ch0osing!!!

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